” Ten out of 35 drifting buoys deployed by the Department of Ocean Development (DOOD) in the Bay of Bengal were found to be destroyed during a recent inspection, officials said.
Scientists have thoroughly examined the buoys and suggest that laser weapons may have destroyed them.
Buoys have been earlier vandalised in the Indian Ocean.
But DOOD officials say that this case is different.
DOOD’s buoys floated in the Arabian Ocean are intact.”
本報道は署名記事ではなく、また掲載されたサイトであるnewsinsight.netの信頼性に関しては不明。しかしDonald L.Berlinのような専門家は、newsinsight.netに依拠した記事を査読があるであろう学会誌(に準じた雑誌)、例えばNaval War College Review やContemporary South Asia に寄稿、掲載されている[3]。よって同サイトは、斯界においては相応の信頼性が認められていると思量する。
[1]VAGO MURADIAN “China Attempted To Blind U.S. Satellites With Laser, Defense News, 28 Sep 2006, <> (14 Dec 2006)
[2] “Indian buoys destroyed by lasers,” newsinsight net, 24 August 2001, <> (14 Dec 2006)
[3] 例えば、"The ’great base race’in the Indian Ocean littoral: conflict prevention or stimulation?, “Contemporary South Asia, 13(3), (September 2004) ,pp. 239–255.や、”India in the Indian Ocean,” Naval War College Review, Vol. 59, No. 2, (Spring 2006), <> (15 Aug 2006)を参照。
前者ではモルジブにおけるPLANのマラオ(Marao)島租借関連について、後者では、”That the Chinese navy is currently operating, or planning to operate, submarines in or near the Bay of Bengal is suggested by “Three Submarines Damaged by Earthquake” (30 December 2004) and “2 Chinese Spy Ships Seized off Andamans” (30 November2004), both NEWSInsight,” としてベンガル湾におけるPLA活動について依拠。
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