« ソマリアのクラン関連 The Total Somali Clan Genealogy (second edition) | トップページ | 日本経済新聞社と旧ソ連航空機「An-2 Colt」様 »

2016年11月18日 (金)

The Quranic Concept of War の著者、S.K.Malik准将関連


It was General Zia who ushered in a new era of Islamisation, bigotry and blasphemy laws targeting minorities, and nurtured radical, armed Islamic groups bent on waging jihad across the world. Officers recruited in his era are three-star Generals today, and the army is largely motivated by the ideology of the “Quranic Concept of War” articulated by his protégé Brigadier (later Major General) S.K. Malik.

Describing anyone who stands in the way of jihad as an “aggressor”, Malik held that “the aggressor is always met and destroyed in his own country”. Malik also had a unique view of the concept of “terror”.

He averred: “Terror struck into the heart of the enemy is not only a means. It is an end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved. Terror is not a means of imposing a decision upon the enemy, it is the decision we wish to impose on him. It is a point where the means and end merge.”

This is precisely what was sought to be “imposed” on the ill-fated people killed in the Victoria Terminus in Mumbai on 26/11.



« ソマリアのクラン関連 The Total Somali Clan Genealogy (second edition) | トップページ | 日本経済新聞社と旧ソ連航空機「An-2 Colt」様 »




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« ソマリアのクラン関連 The Total Somali Clan Genealogy (second edition) | トップページ | 日本経済新聞社と旧ソ連航空機「An-2 Colt」様 »